See also the page RDA in 10 minutes in this folder.
RDA Toolkit
The Teaching and Training page <>
The RDA Toolkit Essentials webinar (also accessible from the RDA Toolkit) gives an overview of this tool.
For examples which show the RDA rules and the data that goes with each rule, as well as the MARC and ISBD coding for each example:
Library of Congress extensive materials on FRBR, RDA, etc.:
PCC/SCT Training Materials Task Group Recommended Materials
RDA record examples <>
PCC Task Group on AACR2 & RDA Acceptable Heading Categories Final Report, August 2011.
Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Record Guide: P-N/RDA version <>
Mark K. Ehlert of Minitext has developed a 62 page manual which he based on work by Annie Glerum at FSU
RDA Training Booklet
Marielle Veve at the University of North Florida's Thomas G. Carpenter Library put together this free training booklet, which can be downloaded at
ALCTS YouTube channel for cataloging
Numerous webinars have been presented by ALCTS about RDA and are free when posted here
A one hour video from Kent State University : “Resource Description & Access (RDA) Basics for Copy Catalogers,”
Music Library Association
Best Practices for Music Cataloging using RDA and MARC21 (draft 2/2013)
About RDA
(This site includes both links to training materials in the body and links to OCLC policy statements on the upper left side)
The following websites offer various snapshots of the changes associated with RDA:
Changes from AACR2, by the JSC:
MARC21 changes for RDA, by LC: (select "RDA in MAR= C" link on the page)
OCLC changes for RDA: (see #258, 260, 261; as of Nov. 21, 2012, all but the last have been incorporated into Bibliographic Formats & Standards). See more on OCLC at the end of this page.
Other online presentations, powerpoints, Webinars, etc.:
Changes from AACR2, by the JSC: (may be somewhat out of date as RDA continues to be edited)
A blog on RDA
LibGuide on RDA from the University of Montana:
RDA ppt from NYTSL, Rick J. Block, Columbia University, Fall 2009
Chamya P. Kincy and Luiz H. Mendes …Help! The New Cataloging Code is Coming! (.pdf) ALCTS, Presentation to the California Library Association Annual Conference Pasadena, CA, November 2, 2009
RDA Toolkit : a guided tour (recording of February webinar)
Adam Schiff, Principal Cataloger, University of Washington Libraries, recently gave this presentation at the British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) Conference:
a recently revised version (2010) can be found at
All of Adam Schiff's presentations are at:
Judith Kuhagen (Senior Cataloging Policy Specialist, Policy and Standards Division, Library of Congress) and her program RDA Essentials. Presented Nov 4, 2010 to Connecticut Library Association
Renette Davis, University of Chicago, 2010 ALA Annual presentation. The University of Chicago has been very generous sharing their documentation, planning suggestions and examples. They are one of the official testing partners with the national libararies.
When you view this, make sure you can see her comments. In the AACR2 and RDA comparisons you can see some of the issues that make this more complex than apparent at first especially when punctuation, abbreviations, etc. are taken into account.
University of Chicago RDA documents, PowerPoint, etc.
Handbooks, manuals, etc.:
Oliver, Chris. Introducing RDA: a Guide to the Basics. (ISBN: 978-0-8389-3594-1) $45.
Maxwell, Robert. Maxwell's Handbook for RDA: Explaining and Illustrating RD= A, Resource Description and Access using MARC. (ISBN: 978-0-8389-1172-3) $85.
El-Sherbini, Magda. RDA: Strategies for Implementation. (ISBN: 978-0-8389-1168-6) $65.
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